Yeah I know Takara is re-releasing the G1 Devastator, but I bought this before the big news. It's a G1 Devy knockoff. I will say however, that it is wonderfully made. It's beautiful. Nothing says knockoff at all...except maybe the stickers which are not known to be good on KOs. So I turned once again to

I ordered G1 Stickers for Devastator, Prowl, Wheeljack and Sideswipe. All stickers will be going on KO versions of these figs. I cant afford genuines...especially when the
KOs are friggin nice.

So anyways, pardon the crappy pics. I was so antsy about getting started with the stickering that I didn't get a chance to properly photograph everything. Here is my Devy with Reprolabels sticker. I gotta say. The quality of their stickers is top-notch. Very nice to know there is someone out there making very nice repro stickers.
These stickers cost $11. Good thing is that for every $10 you spend you get a
small sheet of aluminum faction logos.
It took me a good hour to hour and a half to place these on ( I am a perfectionist). This is the end result. I forgot to take a pic before I put him in the case. I would take him out but that would result in all my other figures toppling over. I must say, it came out pretty cool.
My only complaint is that the
instructions on isn't very clear in parts. So I had to google and watch youtube videos to see where they went. I'm not 100% sure where some of the faction logos went as the instructions weren't clear on that, but I think I did OK. The Reprolabels do not come with rub-signs although they can be ordered through them. The KO came with rub-signs but I am not a fan of em. Not even sure if the KO rub-signs work.
Stay tuned for more reprolabels stuff when my other KOs come in.
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