Thursday, August 18, 2011

KO G1 Bumblebee

Ahhh, another KO to show you guys. This was one of the first TFs I ever got, maybe the first ever. Well not this exact one, the original. I can't find the original and if I did, I'm sure I lost the head so I got this guy. Sure I coulda gotten a legit G1 but this cost less than a beat-up loose genuine one so this one wins.
The Transformers logo looks a bit off it you look at it a bit, but for display purposes it works.

I was thinking of opening it, but I didn't want to be dissapointed. The original was a turd so a KO turd might just be worse. I decided to let it look pretty instead.

Here is the card back. Brings back some good memories doesn't it? The top of the card tells you to rub the sign for authenticity but this KO does not have it. Just an FYI

Got this little bugger for $10 shipped. Not too bad I think.

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