Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some cheap HCM sets I picked up at a garage

There was a cool little comic/toy shop local to me that I would wander into time and time again to get my fix of Gundam and subbed anime. They ended up closing down unfortunately but I somehow ran across the owner on eBay and he invited me down to a garage where he kept all the left-over stuff. The garage was mostly full of Gunpla (Gundam model kits). There were some old Patlabor kits too which I probably should have picked up come to think of it. Anyways, I scored a bunch of HCM sets. As the package reads, these are High Complete Model kits. Essentially, they are completed model kits, but that doesn;t mean they are flimsy. These are great little figures and some have diecast. The box doesn't do much to garner interest in their purchase. I even balked at them when I saw them in the shop when they were open. These are but a few of the lot I picked up for about $10 each. Will update with pics as I come across them.

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